Effective Environmental Services Home of Pond Magician

Effective Environmental Services (EES) produce Pond Magician and an entire line of more natural organic products for general cleaning, gardens, lawns, composting, aquariums, septic tank cleaning, and mold removal. All are environmentally friendly and safe for homes, schools, commercial establishments, offices, farms and ranches. EES use a product from the microorganisms family that have been observed to be the most beneficial, effective and most environmentally friendly solution to a large number of problems that are normally solved with harsh chemicals.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

5 Key Factors for Green Pond Water

5 Key Factors for Green Pond Water

By Clifford Woods

Algae overgrowth can have disastrous consequences on the well-being of our ponds. Below are five factors that contribute the algae development and how it can be stopped.

#1: Excessive Fish
If this sounds like your situation, then immediately limit the volume of fish or add to the size of your organic filtration system. Keep in mind that fish grow in size and in quantity, therefore the scale your organic purification system which you believed might be the right size in the beginning, may not be the proper size for your pond now.

#2: Seasonal Changes
It is the start of the spring time or the later part of the fall when the pond encounters its largest change in the temperature of the water and biological bacteria development. If this is the situation, try to be calm and give your pond a few additional weeks. 

Every single pond takes around four to six weeks in the beginning of the season to discover its new environmental equilibrium. When this occurs, the pond water will likely be green in appearance. In fact, you can count on it. At any time you increase the water level of your pond during the year, your pond is likely to turn green as well. 

Simply add the most appropriate beneficial microorganism’s solution to provide your pond with good aeration and stay patient. Bear in mind, it will require several weeks, not just a couple of days. Never persistently drain and refill your pond because you will be consistently altering its ecological stability that it's striving to achieve – so give it a hand, be patient.

#3: Accumulation of Organic Matter
For those ponds that have more organic substances, like dead leaves, fish wastes, muck, sludge, and so forth, in them than the amount of beneficial microorganisms in your filtration system where beneficial microorganisms reside and flourish, you may either have to add to the size of your organic filter or increase the total quantity of beneficial microorganisms in your pond.
You can do this by one of two ways; basically increase the size of your filter of add more beneficial microorganism to your pond. You need to be incorporating beneficial microorganisms on a regular basis into your pond in any case.

#4: Too Much Water
Remain calm with your pond as it sets up its new environmental equilibrium. This often completes in about four to six weeks following the previous time you have added extra water. Whenever you add more water, you cause a difference in the pond which causes new algae to prosper and green water to occur. Simply have patience and increase the amount of beneficial microorganisms you add to your pond.

#5: Other Factors That Could Be Causing Algae and Killing the Beneficial Microorganisms in Your Pond
If you are introducing fresh water into your pond on a regular basis; quit doing so now. Allow the pond to find its new environmental stability. In the case that you are including beneficial microorganisms to it, but not disabling your UV clarifier or UV sterilizer, then make sure to turn it off no less than three to four days just prior to when you added the bacteria to ensure that the microorganisms have had an opportunity to attach themselves to the surface area within your pond or organic filter.

A few chemical compounds put into the pond can also be the reason for precisely what is wiping out your beneficial microorganisms. If that's the case, invest in an organic algaecide that contains beneficial microorganisms. You'll be killing two birds with one stone with such a solution as you will be eliminating algae as well as replenishing your pond with bacteria that will improve the pond's overall health.
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Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology.
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and offer Natural Organic Solutions.
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"Pond Magician"; Effective Environmental Services
"Pond Maintenance 101"; Awesome Library
"Pond Care"; Planet Natural
"Ponding 101"; 123Ponds
"Seasonal Pond Maintenance Checklist"; Doctors Foster and Smith

Algae Management in Freshwater Aquariums

Algae Management in Freshwater Aquariums

By Clifford Woods

An aquarium tank can be quite the exceptional addition to a home or workplace. There isn't anything more relaxing than viewing fish swimming in harmony through the clear, dazzling tropical water. On the other hand, there is practically nothing more unpleasant than an aquarium tank abundant with algae.

Below are a handful of concerns and tips to assist with algae management.

Just about all fish displays contain algae. A small bit of it is not necessarily harmful, however if it isn't controlled algae can multiply quickly and take control of your freshwater tank which is extremely troublesome to clean, not to mention unhealthy for the fish.

Green algae are normal for most freshwater tank owners. The two main varieties, green dot and hair, can be time intensive in addition to difficult to eliminate from the aquarium. These algae grow quickly in fish tanks that get an excess of sunshine.
The darker types of algae, such as black brush, generally grow soon after the initial set-up of the tank.

The algae development in fish tanks that have already been set up for a longer period of time may be related to problems with the level of phosphate or nitrate in the water. 

The growth of these algae may also linked to excessive amounts of light. In order to eliminate it from the fish tank, in most cases you have to clean the entire tank extensively, decrease light exposure, and also make certain that the water condition is at a suitable temperature.

article by clifford woods

Blue-green algae and red brush are two additional varieties of algae that may develop in a fish tank. The red brush variety generally has a tendency to form in fish tanks having higher pH levels.

Blue-green algae are a slimier type which can be dangerous to both vegetation and fish in the tank.

One of the better processes to inhibit the development of numerous algae would be to manage lighting. For algae management, never place fish tanks close to windows and be sure to reduce the lighting to eight hours on a daily basis. Employing a lighting timer is a fantastic way to supply your fish tank with suitable quantities of light.

Much like your fish, algae have to consume to live. Algae develop best through taking in phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. You have the capability to significantly enhance algae management in freshwater fish tanks by making certain that your tank is not overwhelmed by fish waste products, excessive food, or rotting vegetation. Additionally, perform water adjustments regularly and use a properly measured filtration system. Incorporating algae consuming agents to your aquarium would be a good option. Snails and algae-eating species of fish are able to assist in the management of algae within the tank.

You should be aware that snails can populate remarkably quickly, however with proper control including a snail and an algae-consuming species to a fish tank could very well be an excellent idea. Take note that when all of the algae are consumed, you are going to have to feed these fish with store-bought food.

It is not unusual for algae to start to re-populate within a clean fish tank during a time span of just three weeks. For regular algae regulation, be mindful with regards to overfeeding your fish, promptly remove any dead fish from the tank, be aware of the amount of light that the aquarium receives, and also use some type of filtering method. Additionally, remove any obvious algae with a scrubber designed for this sort of cleanup.

A really simple way to eradicate algae from a freshwater fish tank would be to apply a probiotic algaecide. This type of solution is perfectly safe for your fish and actually benefits the water in numerous ways due to the beneficial microorganisms contained with the product.

"How to Care for Aquarium Fish"; Animal Planet
"Aquarium Water Care"; PetSmart
"Pond Magician"; Effective Environmental Services
"Pond Maintenance 101"; Awesome Library
"Pond Care"; Planet Natural
"Ponding 101"; 123Ponds
"Seasonal Pond Maintenance Checklist"; Doctors Foster and Smith

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology.We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins in the environment and offer Natural Organic Solutions.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Beneficial Microorganisms and the Environment

Beneficial Microorganisms and the Environment

By Clifford Woods

Our culture has become obsessed with eliminating bacteria; using gels and wipes to kill all the microbes that we have associated with illness, infection and death. But there are many types of microbes that are beneficial, which are helpful, even helping us in our fight against global warming by breaking down plastics and cleaning up pollution. Someday perhaps even developing into a cure for cancer.

Beneficial Microorganisms Bacteria or microbes are everywhere in our world, and their presence of course has an effect on the environment they are living in. These effects of microbes on our environment may be beneficial or harmful, with some having no effect on humans at all.

Beneficial Applications Outside the body, microorganisms are used widely in various applications that are beneficial, including pest control, food, as well as symbiosis of plants and stimulation of growth.

Oil Spills There are assorted types of bacteria that can clean up the environment when major petroleum spills happen. There is a specific strain of bacteria called Alcanivorax that will quickly increase in population whenever an oil spill offers for them, large amounts of food, and they are able to remove much of the oil from these spills. They were at work in the Gulf of Mexico during the Deep Water Horizon spill and are probably still there to help undo the damage that was done to the Gulf. Because they are able to help in this area, they provide an effect that is beneficial to our environment. This incident brought to the attention of scientists even more beneficial microorganisms that feed on oil than originally first thought. It is estimated that the annual seepage in the Gulf of oil is 140,000 tons and these microorganisms take care of that.

Produce Electricity There are still other forms of bacteria having tiny wire appendages referred to as nano-wires and they not only digest toxic waste including PCBs and chemical solvents, they can also produce electricity while they are digesting the toxic waste. One bacterium, called Shewanella, is a type of microorganism from the deep sea that grows these nano-wires that seek oxygen when placed in low-oxygen environments. Experts discovered that when the nano-wires are pricked with electrodes of platinum, they are able to carry a current. If these capabilities are harnessed effectively, they one day could be used in sewage treatment facilities to not only digest waste, but at the same time provide the power for the plant. There is currently no analytic on this form of bacteria.

Bacteria and Plastics Non-biodegradable and far too present on our planet, plastic becomes a great problem when it comes to disposal. But in 2008, a student in Canada carried out an amazing science experiment where microorganisms were able to eat plastic. Since that time, research teams have been working on the development of this ability and how to use it to our benefit. At the University of Dublin, a professor got these bacteria to metabolize plastic bottles that were cooked down into a new type of plastic that is biodegradable.

On Their Own In the earlier part of the year, experts discovered that beneficial microorganisms were already breaking down plastics in the world’s oceans on its own, but it has not been shown whether this will have a negative or positive effect on the environment. Some items such as fishing line as well as plastic bags are being devoured by these bacteria; the problem is that this waste could have potential harmful effects to ecosystems in the ocean as it travels up the food chain. These are just several different ways that microorganisms are being beneficial to our environment. However, there is a greater need of research in the area.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Effective Environmental Services and Organic Environmental Technology
Find out more about Beneficial Microorganisms
We brew Beneficial Microorganisms that eat toxins and offer Natural Organic products